2013년 4월 21일 일요일

UAE Fashion Photographer Omar Borkan Al Gala

UAE fashion photographer and actoer Omar Borkan Al Gala was one of three men kicked out of Saudi Arabia for being "too handsome".

Three Emirati men were ejected from a festival in Saudi Arabia as they were deemed “too handsome”, leading authorities to fear women could become attracted to them, it has been reported.
According to Arabic language Elaph newspaper, the UAE nationals were taking part in a heritage event in the capital Riyadh on Sunday when they were thrown out by Saudi’s religious police.
Saudi Arabia, a strictly conservative Sunni Muslim society, prohibits women from interacting with unrelated males.
“A festival official said the three Emiratis were taken out on the grounds they are too handsome and that the Commission [for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vices] members feared female visitors could fall for them,” Elaph reported.